But the risk might be dodged and focused through the anticipation operation& focus the settlement of exchange rate through the forward settlement of exchange, to get away from exchange rate risk. Illegal to attempt a file lock in a transaction after taking prior record locks. 但风险可以通过事前的操作予以规避和锁定&通过远期结汇来锁定结汇汇率,规避汇率风险。非法操作。在一个事务处理中已有记录锁定的情况下,试图对文件进行锁定从而导致非法。
It shall include the subject settings of long-term settlement and sales of foreign exchange and accountings of signing the contract, performing the contract, extension, breaking the contract and squaring the positions. 应包括远期结售汇业务的科目设置;签约、履约、展期、违约与平盘时的会计核算。
Settlement risk has historically been a concern in the foreign exchange market because of the cross-border and cross-time zone nature of foreign exchange transactions. 由于外汇交易的跨境及跨时区性质,结算风险一直是外汇市场关注的问题。
Opening domestic custody account for foreign exchange insurance funds, settlement account for overseas use of foreign exchange funds and securities custody accounts; 开设保险外汇资金的境内托管账户、境外外汇资金运用结算账户和证券托管账户;
If there is any change in the settlement and delivery person of a settlement member, it shall timely go through the relevant procedures with the exchange. 结算会员在其结算交割员发生变动时,应当及时到交易所办理相关手续。
Settlement deposits shall refer to the funds for joint guarantee that are deposited by settlement members in accordance with the rules of the exchange and used to deal with risk of contract breaching of the settlement members. 结算担保金是指结算会员依交易所规定缴纳的,用于应对结算会员违约风险的共同担保资金。
Among the most important changes is an annual quota that will be assigned to each individual for the settlement of foreign exchange, abolishing a previous limit on each settlement transaction. 最重大的变化之一,是年度外汇结算定额将分配到每个人,废除了先前对每笔结算交易的限制。
Convention for the Settlement of Certain Conflicts of Laws in connection with Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes 解决汇票和本票的某些法律抵触公约
Either funding currency RMB, may also be the settlement currency of the export business, easy business to choose the appropriate currency to avoid exchange rate risk. 融资货币既可以是人民币,也可以是出口业务的结算货币,便于企业选择适当货币,以避免汇率风险。
Settlement of exchange is to show foreign currency income is possessory its foreign currency income sells foreign currency nominated bank, foreign currency nominated bank pays by fixed exchange rate equivalent the behavior of this money. 结汇是指外汇收入所有者将其外汇收入出售给外汇指定银行,外汇指定银行按一定汇率付给等值的本币的行为。
The settlement of a debt by paying less than the amount demanded in exchange for extinguishing the debt. 为还清债务要求偿还少于应付债务量的解决。
Handling the settlement, sales, collection and payment of foreign exchange as well as the Renminbi settlement business for the QDII; 办理境内机构投资者的有关结汇、售汇、收汇、付汇和人民币资金结算业务;
After the transferred funds through using such ways by a settlement member are confirmed by the depository bank for futures deposits, the exchange shall increase the provisions for settlement of settlement members at the exchange. 结算会员用此类方式划入的资金,经期货保证金存管银行确认到账后,交易所将增加结算会员在交易所内的结算准备金。
All commercial banks may appropriately increase networks for the settlement and sales of foreign exchange, making it accessible for enterprises and individuals to handle operations of settlement and sales of foreign exchange. 各商业银行适当增加边境地区的结售汇网点,方便企业、个人办理结售汇业务。
Article31a settlement member shall, when opening, changing, replacing or canceling the special funds account, handle the matters in the depository bank of futures deposits by using the special notice issued by the exchange. 第三十一条结算会员开立、更名、更换或者注销专用资金账户,应当凭交易所签发的专用通知书到期货保证金存管银行办理。
The main features are in six aspects and the difficulties lie in: the recognition of exports sales and imports costs and the settlement of inventories, the recognition of foreign exchange gains and losses, and the settlement of export drawback. 其主要特点表现在六个方面:难点在出口销售收入和进口成本的确认及商品库存核算、汇兑损益的确认、出口退税的核算等三个方面。
This paper introduces concrete reasons of crack in wall-body caused by uneven settlement of foundation, exchange of temperature and dry shrinkage of building materials, and proposes concrete measures to control the crack in brick and concrete composite structure on the basis of crack control principles. 介绍了由于地基不均匀沉降、温度变化、建筑材料的干缩等原因引起墙体产生裂缝的具体原因,在裂缝控制原则的基础上,针对性地提出了砖混结构裂缝控制的具体措施。
Iscussing` China's inflation conduction system under the condition of opening economy, this article points out that the intemational adjustment to balance of intemational payments featuring a stable nominal exchange rate combined with compulsory settlement of exchange gives an impetus to self-accumulation of inflation. 本文讨论了我国在开放经济下通货膨胀的货币传导途径,指出以稳定名义汇率和强制结售汇制度为特征的国际收支调节政策对通货膨胀自我积累的推进作用;
First, it introduces system settlement of Exchange Server, secondly, it introduces method of security authentication. At last, it gives experience of administrating Exchange Server using ADSI. 首先介绍必备的ExchangeServer系统设置,然后介绍Web安全及认证方式,最后介绍用ADSI管理ExchangeServer的几点经验。
It is the collection and settlement, exchange, credit, which integrates financial instruments, in the modem monetary system reform played an irreplaceable role. Second, we pushed around the market according to the specific calculation formula of exchange network performance in modern China. 申汇是集结算、汇兑、信贷于一体的金融工具,在近代货币制度改革中发挥了不可替代的作用。其次,我们将根据各地申汇市场具体的计算公式推演出近代中国的汇兑网络。
Throughout the contents of the currency exchange rate bills, the pathways from the congress members to settlement of Sino-US disputes over currency exchange rate can be divided into domestic channels and international channels. 纵观美国国会法案的内容,国会议员针对人民币汇率争端的(拟)处理途径可以分为国内途径和国际途径。
Because of the compulsory foreign exchange settlement and sales system, with the increasing of dual balance of payments surplus, we have more and more foreign exchange reserves every year. 由于我国实行的是强制结售汇制度,随着国际收支双顺差的不断增大,外汇储备越来越多,外汇占款逐年增加。
Finally, the internationalization of the RMB in the Central Asia made several recommendations, mainly to accelerate and promote the trade exchange, to carry out an RMB settlement program, to promote the establishment of the currency market and exchange rate policies and so on. 论文的最后,对中亚人民币国际化提出了几点建议,主要是从加快经贸往来,促进经贸往来的人民币结算项目的开展,货币市场的建立以及人民币汇率政策的推动等等。
Thanks to the control of capital items and a mandatory settlement system, our country had to buy a surplus of foreign exchange reserves to maintain exchange rate stability in the situation of continued surplus in international balance of payments situation. 在我国由于资本项目的管制,实行强制结售汇制度,在国际收支持续盈余的情况下,为维护汇率的稳定,不得不购入过剩的外汇形成外汇储备。
In the event that a jurisdiction conflict emerged, the settlement shall follow the principle of equity, justification, in favor of promoting international exchange, and protecting the lawful rights and interests of the both parties. 在发生管辖权冲突的情况下,应本着公平、合理、有利于促进国际交流和保护双方当事人合法权益的原则进行解决。
Meanwhile, the numerical example found that the enterprise should select the settlement of exchange currency and control export objects and numbers to circumvent the risk of exchange rate is feasible. 同时,经算例分析发现,企业通过合理地选择结汇币种和控制出口对象及其数量来规避汇率风险是可行的。
However, as for the overall development of the international settlement business, Bank of China, being the first professional bank to do foreign exchange business domestically, always ranks the first in international business market share and becomes the target of ICBC. 但从国际业务整体发展现状来讲,中国银行作为国内最早的外汇外贸业务专业银行,国际业务市场份额一直稳居第一位,成为工商银行追赶的目标。